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Used 70 kg US Roaster Corp, Millenium Roaster with cyclone and afterburner. 10 kg Ambex YM-10, weigh-right with pneumatic conveyor and more…all in excellent condition, ready for years of continued service. Please email tamas@dragonflycoffeeroasters.com for details and complete list.
Here is an opportunity to own an established and well-regarded coffee roasting company in NE Wisconsin. Founded in 2013 our business has maintained steady growth, with well established accounts in regional grocery, retail, website and B2B segments, and has operated with positive cash flow and no debt over the past 11 years. Business includes trademarks, logo, branding, plus 20K semi-industrial roaster, Action-Pac weigh/fill machine and two commercial grinders, and all associated assets and accessories for seamless turn-key transition. Lots of potential within the region for revenue growth. Please email mountaintimecoffee@gmail.com.
This Afterburner was made for a Probat P12 but will work on any CFM 200 roaster. It was installed but never put into commission. (COVID-19 shut down this location before opening.) Perfect working condition and located in Fargo, North Dakota, for pickup or it can be freight shipped.
Contact tim@youngbloodcoffee.com for more information.
Diedrich DR-25 for sale. Manufactured in 2021 and has been used as a backup roaster for the last year and a half. The roaster has about 4,000 hours on it and is in excellent condition. If used with Cropster, the roast can be automated or used manually. Comes with chaff collector, afterburner and venting. Crating and shipping included in US/Canada. $89,000 USD. Email dusty@agroroasters.com for more information.
Roaster Dynamics Used RD-1 For Sale. Great for sample roasting. Set up as natural gas, capacity for batch sizes from 100g to 1.25 pounds. Asking $5800.00. For more information please call Chris at 484-459-8673 or email chris@greenstreetcoffee.com.
It is time to sell our well-established coffee roasting company located in the Central Puget Sound area. State-of-the-art roasting and packaging equipment, newer delivery vehicles, and time-proven systems combine for a turn-key operation. Business has maintained steady growth and profitability with multiple revenue streams in wholesale, retail and internet segments. There is room to add volume with minimum staffing. Interested? Please email roastersale2023@gmail.com.