Roast Summit Code of Conduct

Adapted from the World AeroPress Championship Code of Conduct with permission.

Roast is dedicated to the success and growth of the specialty coffee industry. Events brought to you by Roast are intended to create community, educate, and deepen a shared commitment to specialty coffee. By taking part, you agree to uphold this mission and adhere to our Code of Conduct:

  • We believe that everyone involved has a right to feel welcomed and valued in our community, regardless of gender, religion, race, age, ethnicity, appearance or sexual orientation.

  • Behavior, whether intentional or not, that causes other participants to feel uncomfortable, harassed, or victimized will not be tolerated by the organizers.

  • We expect that attendees of Roast events will be genuinely considerate of others at all times, without exception. Failure to meet this expectation may result in expulsion from an event, without notice or refund.

If you are made to feel uncomfortable, or experience it happening to someone else, please notify us immediately via the form below:




Roast Summit 2024 | Event Feedback Survey


Roast Summit 2024 Registration