March | April 2022
From the Publisher
The founder and publisher of Roast magazine, Connie Blumhardt has spent 25 years in magazine publishing and has worked in the coffee industry for the last 20 years. Connie brings the same passion and commitment to this industry journal that is present within the roasting community.
With each issue, Connie brings insight and inspiration to the pages of Roast with this column.
Connie Blumhardt, Publisher
‘STANDARD’ IS ONE OF THOSE WORDS that changes meaning based on the context it is used. When used in one way, it represents a consistent way of measuring something, and when used in another way, it represents a goal to be attained. The difference is nuanced; it is a word (among many others) that I’m sure is frustrating to people learning the English language.
In this issue, we have an article introducing the NORM ROAST open standard that is being put forth for coffee roasting machines. It is a fascinating read that demonstrates how our industry continues to evolve and find ways to add consistency to how we discuss technical concepts. Embarking on the path to developing this standard is an important step in codifying how machines are measured (the first meaning of the word).
Quite often the consistency of measurement is the first step that needs to be taken to create a set of standards that align with the second meaning of the word—a goal to be attained. We encounter these types of standards every day in many products; they are necessary to bring confidence when making purchasing decisions. These standards are often communicated as certifications, ensuring products meet minimum standards.
As roasting machine manufacturers start measuring and reporting energy and emissions information in a repeatable process, it will be interesting to see if the results of these measurements lead to a set of minimum standards or certifications. We all know some standards that are helpful (ULA for electronics safety) and some that are questionable (California Prop 65 warnings on seemingly everything). Whether or not coffee roasting machine minimum standards and certifications is a path that is helpful will require input and agreement from both those designing the machines and those purchasing the machines. I encourage you to be active in this conversation.
Warmest Wishes,