Batch Protocols and Other Tools to Manage Consistency
Scott Rao
Coffee Industry Consultant
Session Description
In this session, Scott Rao will talk about between-batch protocol and other factors that affect roasting consistency, such as controlling green-coffee temperature, ambient roastery temperature, and day-to-day airflow levels. Scott coined the term between-batch protocol (BBP) to emphasize the importance of managing a roasting machine's thermal energy between batches.
Scott will discuss how to construct an effective BBP on various roasting machines, including drum roasters, air roasters, and sample roasters, and he'll provide numerous examples using Cropster graphs. He will explain how bean and air probe readings differ from drum-metal temperatures between batches, and how to adjust a BBP for different batch sizes and different seasons.
Scott Rao has been in the coffee business for 30 years as a cafe owner, roaster, consultant, and author. The Coffee Roaster’s Companion and Coffee Roasting: Best Practices have influenced a generation of roasters and shaped the global roasting vocabulary and conversation. Thousands of roasters worldwide have attended Scott's seminars and worked with him as a private consultant. Scott’s popular Instagram account @whereisscottrao offers expert-level tips and discussion about coffee brewing and roasting.