Luiz Roberto Saldanha
Luiz Roberto Saldanha
Director, Fazenda Califórnia / Capricornio Coffees / Synapses Coffee Education
Presenter Bio
Luiz Roberto Saldanha Rodrigues is the owner of Fazenda Califórnia and co-founder and Director of Capricornio Coffees and Synapses Coffee Education. A leading coffee professional in Brazil, Luiz is an agronomic engineer with an MBA in Production Management and is a member of the Biotechnology Research Program at the Federal Technical University of Paraná. A certified Q-Grader, Q-Processing Level 3 Expert, and Q-Processing Instructor, Luiz also serves as a national and international judge for the Cup of Excellence Program (COE). He has contributed to the coffee sector through roles on the Technical Committee on Coffee Sector of the Federation of Agriculture of Paraná (FAEP) and currently serves on the boards of the Brazilian Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA) and the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). As an educator, Luiz has taught farming, quality, and post-harvest best practices in countries such as Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Australia, South Korea, and Singapore.